First, we need a telegram application
• Register.
• Open the application on the computer.
Create a bot
• Find the user @botfather.
• Add it.
After pressing /start, you will be shown all the available commands.
• Create a new bot (/ newbot)
botFather will ask us to enter the name of the bot. (e.g. leads).
• Enter the name of the bot
After that, you will receive a message that the bot has been created. From this message, we need a token.
Getting started with Bot
First, we need to mark our id in telegram so that it is clear where to send the message.
To do this, you can create a group or channel and add a bot there as an administrator.
• Write anything to the group or channel
• Follow the link:<bot_token>/getUpdates
Instead of <bot_token>, you need to insert your bot's token. For example, we got this link (you will have your own):
There we need to find "chat": and find the id in it. This is our id, where to send leads.
• Find your id in the telegram.
For example, <id> of our chat is -221497536
• Let's try to send a message
Follow the link:<bot_token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<id>&text=<text>, where
<bot_token> - bot token
<id> - chat id (group / channel)
<text> - the text you want to send
If the message came, then you did everything right.
Postback setup.
The postback might look like<bot_token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<id>&text=<country>,<payout>,<traffic_type>,<token_1>,<os>
Then copy the link into the global postback field in your profile and press save.
It's done 😉